Thursday, January 28, 2016

What's the Tea?

The 2016 Blizzard that stretched from Alabama to Pennsylvania was playing no games this year. Granted I have nothing to complain about, because Georgia barely got an inch, my heart goes out to the north easterners. But in every situation let's highlight the positives. Most of you were forced to focus on what is important, like spending some quality time with your family or working on a personal project that you have been neglecting because your 9-5 takes up all of your time and energy. 2016 is yours remember? So I hope you made some much needed progress. 

Lemme tell you, I hate the cold....... with a passion. I just cant deal! It goes beyond the feeling for me. My entire mood changes once the temperature drops. Don't get  me wrong, there is a little excitement when the snow begins to fall but after the first 2 inches I'm like okay, that's enough. I am so much happier when I'm warm. When I'm feeling cold and I have a warm beverage in my hands, it makes such a difference. 

If you feel the same way, why not make someone else happy. It's so easy for us to allow the weather to affect our mood and feelings sometimes we forget about how much of an impact this may have on those around us. So, for this suggestive random act of kindness, warm up someone's life today. #spreadthelove #spreadthehappy #payitforward


Friday, January 22, 2016

Forgive Without Needing to Hear "I'm Sorry"

One of the main reasons social media is so successful, is because of the way Millennials process information. We need to have our feelings, achievements, relationships, humor, downfalls and all that validated. Everything is shared, and there are no limits to what is being posted and this usually causes our feelings to become misplaced. 

It is so much easier to walk away from a situation than to forgive. Once you hit that block and delete it's as if the person never existed. But it can be even harder to forgive when you know the offender has no intention of apologizing. And this is why most of us hold on to old feuds for years. 

Forgiveness is freeing, it free's your mind and opens up your heart. Holding on to negativity is like pulling your checked bags with you all over the airport, and trying to stuff them in the overhead bin. It just won't work! Some things you just have to let go, and wish them well. 

My modus operandi is to write things down. It's so liberating to put all your thoughts on paper, makes me think clearer. If that doesn't work try talking to a confidant. At some point we just have to accept the fact that we won't get an "I'm Sorry" all the time, but it shouldn't stop us from truly forgiving those who may have hurt us.  

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Do you buckle under pressure?

I came across this quote on my Instagram timeline a few days ago. It's so easy for us to play victim, "this is too hard", "this is the worst thing that could ever happen", "why do I always get the short end of the stick". I won't lie to you, I've been guilty of waving my white flag as a way to surrender to the witch that hexed me. (Yup, I'm a Harry Potter geek)  But have you ever stopped to think that maybe you're experiencing this because you can handle it. You can handle this crazy ride and at the end of it all you will be able to share your experiences, as a way to help someone else.

Hardships and difficult times are a test. Tests on a physical, emotional, mental and courageous level. How well do you handle it? Are you thinking ahead or in the now? That move won't work, what's your next best play?

To start, take some deep breaths, clear your mind and dust your butt off from that setback. And if you tripped and scraped your knee, I have a couple band aids you may have and if you broke a body part, well lets head to the emergency room. My point is this, there IS a SOLUTION to every PROBLEM! It all depends on your mind set and how you're interpreting it.

So keep your head up, it's not the end of the World. #KeepPushing!

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Put a Coin in an Expired Meter

So this might not apply to everyone as parking systems vary from state to state and country to country but I thought this would be a nice #randomactofkindness.

In 2014 I lived in NYC. I had recently moved from S.Fl and I had brought my car with me. Anyway, my best friend came to visit and for some strange reason she lovesss her some Jamaica Ave. Now, I'm not trying to be boogie or anything, but I haven't bought anything from Jamaica Ave. since the Summer of 2008, before I went to college (Go Noles). There isn't anything there for me, and it's confusing and I just can't deal. I can't shop like that anymore. But I get it, just visiting from JA gotta get a bargain for your buck. So we parked by the meter, and began our trek up the Avenue. We got so caught up, we forgot that the time was about to run out on the parking meter. We grabbed our corouches and ran back to the car. By the time we got to the top of the intersection, and took a quick glance down the street where I parked, there goes the meter maid, taking her sweet time checking meters and writing tickets.

Even though we were already out of breath, we couldn't afford to get a ticket at this point so we started running and yelling hoping that we could get her attention. It worked and we were off the hook. However, across the street people were just chillin on the sidewalk, no care in the World. And it dawned on me like, dang, none of them didn't have spare change to give at least one person an extra 5 mins.

And that's the point I'm trying to make. Sometimes we just run out of time, not everybody has their sh*t together. Not everybody has their ducks in a row. And people will purchase front row seats to watch time run out on you. Maybe you could be the one to close the curtains on their a**, and give somebody a little more time.

Put a coin in someone's meter today!

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Say a Prayer for Someone

First off let me start by saying, that I am a little disappointed in myself for not starting a Blog sooner. It is so simple. I'm sure you might be thinking "Oh, it must be a New Year, New Me" kind of thing. I'm actually working on it and look forward to blogging and expressing myself more. But I wanted to post meaningful content and hence "The Common Good Challenge" has been brought to life. 

I also wanted to use this as a platform for some self-improvement and as a way to work on my writing skills. I have a Self-Help/Inspirational book coming out that I will be self-publishing for a release of July of this year. I am so excited. I always wanted to be a published best-selling author and I am certain that this is a step in the right direction. 

Now the Common Good Challenge entails random acts of kindness that we can do for loved ones or strangers on a daily basis. And it does not have to be anything huge. I would not be surprised if your first thought had to do with money. When we give, it does not always have to be money. We can give our time, a listening ear, some advice or in regards to this first task of the challenge a prayer. 

I pray for my family, friends, acquaintances and enemies all the time. I know I don't have all the answers and they don't either. Everybody is battling some type of problem and sometimes the best thing we can do for them is pray. Let's kick off this challenge on a great note. Share with a friend or relative and best of all let's spread the happy.