Thursday, January 14, 2016

Put a Coin in an Expired Meter

So this might not apply to everyone as parking systems vary from state to state and country to country but I thought this would be a nice #randomactofkindness.

In 2014 I lived in NYC. I had recently moved from S.Fl and I had brought my car with me. Anyway, my best friend came to visit and for some strange reason she lovesss her some Jamaica Ave. Now, I'm not trying to be boogie or anything, but I haven't bought anything from Jamaica Ave. since the Summer of 2008, before I went to college (Go Noles). There isn't anything there for me, and it's confusing and I just can't deal. I can't shop like that anymore. But I get it, just visiting from JA gotta get a bargain for your buck. So we parked by the meter, and began our trek up the Avenue. We got so caught up, we forgot that the time was about to run out on the parking meter. We grabbed our corouches and ran back to the car. By the time we got to the top of the intersection, and took a quick glance down the street where I parked, there goes the meter maid, taking her sweet time checking meters and writing tickets.

Even though we were already out of breath, we couldn't afford to get a ticket at this point so we started running and yelling hoping that we could get her attention. It worked and we were off the hook. However, across the street people were just chillin on the sidewalk, no care in the World. And it dawned on me like, dang, none of them didn't have spare change to give at least one person an extra 5 mins.

And that's the point I'm trying to make. Sometimes we just run out of time, not everybody has their sh*t together. Not everybody has their ducks in a row. And people will purchase front row seats to watch time run out on you. Maybe you could be the one to close the curtains on their a**, and give somebody a little more time.

Put a coin in someone's meter today!

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