Thursday, February 4, 2016

Don't Be A Road Hog!!

Before I highlight this week's random act of kindness. I wanted to take the time to encourage you all to remain focused on your 2016 goals. This is where some of us hop off the "I Think I Can" express and set up camp in "ComfortVille". The last place I want you to be, hell it's the last place I want to be. While ComfortVille is, you guessed it, comfortable. It prevents us from truly pushing ourselves, because there is no need to. We plan and prepare in January, make our vision boards, recite words of affirmations but once February rolls around, a time when we should be actively executing our plans. We begin to let fear get the best of us. Fear is like the boggie man that lived under our bed or in the closet when we were 3 years old. It's not real!! If the boogie man moved out, you need to tell fear to pack all it's sh*t (insecurities, doubt, depression etc) and go. There is no room for fear anymore.  

In regards to the Common Good Challenge, I'm impressed that you guys are still rocking with me on this, The mere fact that we intentionally want to #spreadthehappy is a step in the right direction. Speaking of direction. What type of driver are you? Are you a road hog or do you spend your time driving Miss Daisy? Do you aim to be early, or are you always in a hurry because you're late? 

When I was learning to drive years ago. I was told that I had to drive for myself and others. Not only because of reckless drivers, but when I became more experienced. I had to keep an eye out for the beginners as well. Drivers less experienced than myself who might need to merge into my "path" for awhile. Should I speed up, or should I let them? 

Hold on a second, I know what you're thinking. Why should I slow my progress to allow somebody else to get ahead of me, everybody should stay in their own lane. And I agree, but look at it this way. It's a blessing to have a clear path, see your purpose and have your road map to success on your GPS instructing you on where to go. And sometimes if not most, we become an INSPIRATION to others. When this happens they'll want to try things your way, copy your style, see what you're seeing. But remember your lane is designed for you and will only work for you. So whilst it may be annoying for a fellow driver to merge into your lane now and again, let them. Give them some unsolicited advice, they'll figure out sooner or later that they're in the wrong place, and begin to make a way for themselves. But some people need a little nudge in the right direction, and if you can do that, you're doing a good deed. #spredthelove #spreadthehappy 

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